
A phyllocarid crustacean with a carapace
composed of two lateral valves, of the type found in other crustaceans retaining primitive characteristic, such as brachiopoda and Copepoda; unlike the latter, however, the phyllocarid,s whole body is not contained within the carapace, only the anterior section. In addtion, phyllocarid carapaces have an anterior mobile plate or a rostral plate, one of their unique characteristics. In Ceratiocaris the carapace is in the form of an elongate oval, with a very sturdy anterior rostrum, covered, like the rostral plate, in dense longitudinal striae. The abdominal somites are anteriorly covered by tilelike scales. The telson has two elongate appendages and a caudal furca covered in spines. The limbs, where present, are poorly preserved in fossil form; this markes reconstruction impossible.
Note--- Modern phyllocarids are usually small in size, achieving a maximum length of approximately 4 cm . fossil examples, by contrast, can be much larger.
Copyright 1986 by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A, Milan