visualsystem1.htmlTEXTR*ch ¯¹Hy¯¹K<Ç visual system-1

The human brains in visual responses.
The perceptual moment - iconic memory

Is seeing believing ?.

How many colors can you aware in the flashing(1/100 seconds) box ?

Can you see red, green and white flashing colors ?.

Consciousness will be in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules (hypothesis in materialism).

"We expect that, at any moment in time, consciousness will correspond to a particular type of activity in a transicent set of neurons that are a fraction of a much layer of potential candidates."
The questions at the neural level then become:
* Where are these neurons in the brain?
* Are they of any particular neuronal type?
* What is special(if anything) about their connections?
* What is special(if anything) about the way they are firing?
(Koch and F.Crick)

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 * The visual pathway from the retina
   to  the primary visual cortex.(continue)

An outline of the early visual pathways seen from underneath the brain. Notice that the right visual field influences the left side of the brain, and vice versa. The conections related to the right visual field are shown by lines of dashes. (From The Astonishing Hypothesis by F.Crick)

 *Internet Psychology Laboratory